
Home PSD:–b?usp=sharing

Figma description:

Header & Footer

Create using Elementor Cowidgets Header/Footer. If you need to add custom css for something add on theme level or using theme options custom css, do not add on cowidgets stylings.


Slider will be created using Slider Revolution Plugin.


Create 2 new Elements for services. Service box 1 and Service box 2

Service box 1

  1. Icon or custom svg – using elementor icon field.
  2. Title
  3. Desc
  4. Link
  5. Box BG Color
  6. Box Image on Hover
  7. Icon Color
  8. Icon Hover Color
  9. Title Color
  10. Title Hover Color
  11. Desc Color
  12. Desc Hover Color
  13. Button Icon Color

no shadow needed. we can add the shadow using Elementor stylings.

Service Box 2

  1. Subheading
  2. Icon
  3. Title
  4. Button Text
  5. Link
  6. Subheading Color
  7. Subheading Hover Color
  8. Icon Color
  9. Icon Hover Color
  10. Title Color
  11. Title Hover Color
  12. Button Color
  13. Button Icon Color
  14. Button Hover Color
  15. BG Color
  16. Border Color
  17. BG/Shadow Gradient Color 1
  18. BG/Shadow Gradient Color 2

Testimonial-Portfolio-Staff-Blog New Style

Add a new style called Bygge for each one.

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